shop lonny

susie emailed me this morning to let me know that lonny has an etsy shop full of gorgeous photography for sale...

here are a few of MFAMB's favorites:

the sea...

i have been searching for a big beautiful sea photograph...


west village...

it's very sex and the city isn't it?


horses are so in right now....


this one's called east hampton

where's countless?


who wouldn't want these yellow shoes hanging on a wall?

no one, that's who...

well, you can have these images for 250.00 a piece. in fact everything is 250.00.

tell me...would you pay 250 dollars for any of these?

i am affronted. this is LONNY. don't they know who their worshippers are??

i realize these are like "1 in stock ever" but come on...

that's a lot of fucking money for people who shop on craigslist and use paint to make it pretty...aka YOUR READERS!!!

if you need money why don't you put your magazine on paper and sell it on newsstands?