monday color combo...sort of..

recently i read something that really hit home with me and that was, "your love of design doesn't always have to reflect your own home." i don't recall who said it and i guess that statement could mean different things to different people. but for me it was really kind of freeing. don't roll your eyes!!! it really was! i get kind of bugged out at times when i find i love EVERYTHING!! i mean how can you love everything??! and how can you incorporate EVERYTHING in your own home?? it would look ridiculous and all over the place and random and not focused and silly and contrived and like you were trying too hard..etc.. so instead i THINK ( i could change my mind tomorrow- or even later today) i will just love everything and leave it at that. and just let my own home serve as a sort of museum of stuff, trials and errors, works in and artist's studio. so what does this have to do with a monday color combo?...not a whole lot really. other than 2 days ago i was really into the work of abigail ahern and wanted my whole house painted dark gray and midnight blue with capricious looking lamps and furry ottomans. and today i am really into the whole english manor look. so this combo is not a combo so to speak but a look at mixing saturated color in general with big florals, stripes, small patterns and antiques and everything in between. i am not sure a person like me without any funds could actually do this look in my own home, this is a look for the rich or at the very least a look that is acquired over time. maybe less carlton varney or nancy lancaster and more rita konig. i think this time of year i am drawn to things that are comforting and cozy and seem to envelope you like a hug from your granny. whether it's balls out grand manor home or a more modern approach it's all beautiful to look at. so here you have it...squeeeeeze!