dark and sexy

kishani perera is all over blog world today. in fact i saw these rooms on coco and kelley the other day and had to change my unders:

those 2 top images are kishani's own. these next few are done by her pro photog, jean randazzo:

firstly the green walls with the black fittings and accessories and all that is almost too much for me to take without risk of my head exploding. i wonder...could i take a regular black shade and spray paint the inside of it gold? food for thought. and the bathroom is perfection.

also i know a few of you (lilah) are in love with kishani's work on molly simms place...well get a load of molly's new office....

that wallpaper is so good it makes me want to punch someone. no, you know what? the whole room is so good it makes me want to punch someone. girly, pretty, cluttered bliss..