ladybug girl and her party

so this picture was taken about 5 minutes ago...her friend ailey's mom made this adorable costume for fiona and it came with the book ladybug girl and bumblebee boy...needless to say it was probably her favorite present. sorry about the toilet and trash can...hoping Her Cuteness can detract from that bullshit. (*anthropologie morroccan towel in blue stripe picked up on sale for half the original price. note to readers...never ever buy full price at anthropologie..their shit goes on sale for tons less. )

this was my masterful artwork:

the pom poms. so easy. really, do it. it's simple as hell. in fact supermike made all but 2 of them.
my camera cast a blue glow to everything...if i knew jack about cameras i would have fixed it:

these were all taken with the video camera. so much better:
there were also pink and lavender balloons to match the pink and lavender roses:
looking through all the pics of the table it looked a little gloomy. the table cloth in hindsight was too dark and dreary...but it had squirrels on it!!!!! ultimately it just made the lavender cupcakes look blaaahhh...ah wasn't as dreary in person:

i built a fort for the girls and then led them in a round of rudolph the rednosed reindeer:

after lots of chasing and tormenting nicolas it was time for dreary cupcakes and ice cream:

there was no time for makeup or hair:

but there was all kinds of little mermaid:

cast from left to right: bailey, phoebe, ailey, fiona, ridhi, and grace. sugar and spice and everything nice.