it's only hair right?

i shit you not, i have had far too many dreams of late that i walk out of the salon with this godforsaken hairdo(n't)...

tomorrow is the big day!! to refresh your memories i am going for something between this....
and this.....

i am a little scared, i'm not gonna lie. it's like the longer my hair gets the bigger the security blanket it becomes. and i have no idea why. i just keep telling myself that i look cute with shorter hair. and the truth of the matter is my current hair looks terrible. it's processed so it's not in the best shape and could use about 40 inches cut off of it. and most days i can barely get a comb through it so i put it in a sloppy ponytail. plus i think i will look much more french and chic.
wish me luck. i will post before and after pics tomorrow.