young house love-UH-MAZING renovations...

so a couple of folks turned me on to an awesome couple who turned their el rancho el sucko...
into el rancho el cute-o.. for a ranch buyer like me this is mad inspiration.

here is the porch before: (not bad really)

but after...much better!

the kitchen before...

after: love white kitchens..seriously is there ANYONE out there that thinks that knotty pine casket above is good??!?! and can we do away with all things scalloped forever?

hey wait a minute!!! how did THIS get in here??!!
hims not good, hims bad. nicolas bb, your forces are too strong.

living room angle 1 before:

living room angle 1 after: MFAMB reader kathi are you paying attention?

living room angle 2 before:

living room angle 2 after: LOVE how they took the curtains and blinds all the way up to give the illusion of a larger window.
you simply MUST visit young house love to see all of the renovations..the bathrooms, the bedrooms, a pretty sunroom plus their yard where they were married..they did an amazing job with a pretty tight budget.