so whad'ya think of my new blog look? i had a custom banner designed by the lovely and talented elisabeth surette, aka anne harwell's (of annechovie) sister aka blogger and designer extraordinaire of salt life designs. she was so lovely to work with. she came up with the original design and we tweaked it together via email. she was the tweaker, i was the annoying client saying things like, can you make the pink brighter? ok, now can you make it lighter? ok, now can you change the pattern and make it a bit more modern and less fussy? blah blah blah. but not once did she make me feel like a douche. i highly recommend her to customize something for you. or she has some really pretty ones already waiting for you to use. visit her blog or her etsy shop.
a great big thank you elisabeth. i love it. i hope you like the changes i made to the blog overall, i feel the changes help the banner pop more.