things for you to consider for me...

i was unable to get started on painting my buffet over the weekend, because of the monsoons here in atlanta we were pretty housebound. but i did decide on a whim that this chair (which i don't love but until i can afford or find what i do love, it's a place to park your ass) needed to be painted yellow. and i had some yellow so a'painting i went.

here it is in the room...

what do you think? i think it kinda looks like mustard. and i was going for a more sunny, lemon-y yellow. i think this is due to the color of the original wicker underneath. yes, i should have primed it but i am terribly impatient. so now i am thinking yellow in general is not working in this room and that i should keep the palate a little more soft and neutral with maybe a pretty bluish gray, like a dior gray. also considering black. and white. what are your opinions? i really need them. don't be shy.
my C&B hem lamp arrived and i love it. it's so bright and pretty against the gray walls...

*try to disregard the huge sofa in front of the fireplace..this is temporary. and where is my jamie to do some quickie styling for me???