as i get older i find i am more drawn to alcohol and it's calming effects. so its really no surprise that i aim to turn this secretary and corner into booze corner: so many images of bar carts these days has me loving the way it looks anyway. pretty bottles, basket trays, cute little lamps, cocktail napkins with your've seen it too.
this area is to the right of the front door. the opposite wall holds a mission oak desk with lamps, a mirror, some pretty bottles and a candle...sort of my entry. we put our keys and mail there.
so my problem is that i don't like the way this secretary looks- i think i slapped on some primer years ago (without sanding) and threw on some anthro knobs and called it done. for shame.
i did not care about the inside. look at that shotty work. horrible. fuck you MFAMB!
here are my inspiration pics: the first one is from rita konig's blog. it belongs to her friend in the bahamas. i love how it's sort of make-do-with-an-old-dresser vs. a shiny bar cart. it's homey and inviting and it greets you as you walk in and says, "welcome" -in the best way possible. it says..." we drink here and if you are here you drink too so lets drink!!"
when guests are coming over she opens the drawers and puts various drinking paraphernalia in them...
this one is by tom scheerer for house beautiful and i LOVE the lamp. and just the general organization of all those pretty bottles, citrus and cans..
so my thoughts right now are to take the piece, strip it and then sand the shizzy out of it revealing it's natural wood awesomeness. i am sure i do not want red, orange, yellow, blue or white. i am not opposed to black but i'm not sure black is the perfect foil for all those pretty bottles. tell me i'm wrong. show me some proof.
so, let the discussion commence. don't be shy. i will send the person with the winning idea a bag of chocolate hearts and smarties.
*note to you...the lamp and bowl thing on the wall are all subject to relocation if need be. i.e. don't let those cloud your judgement...or DO let them depending on your brain's ability to see the forest for the trees....