dear readers,
whether you love or hate eddie ross (love) you cannot deny the power of his room so don't let the corporate fuckheads over at AT with all their masses of employees beat out the man behind the most awesome country house ever...the one who loves to take us all to a flea market and show us how to spot the find of our lives..the man who showed us that when lovers share sweater vests and bow ties they become a force of design nerdiness...the man who took kathie lee gifford's home from upstatefussandstuff to upstatechristmasfussandstuff ridding us of her awful chintz forever and toning everything down a notch. thanks eddie, should i ever get invited to kathie's for christmas now i won't throw up all over my face. go now my little spartacus's and kick apartment therapy's ass!!!!
the bastards playing dirty:
for my review on the rooms (and to see the rooms) up for judging, go HERE.
if you've already seen the rooms but were too fucking lazy to vote, reconsider and go vote HERE.