it's snowing...

in atlanta, right now. snow. ahhh snow. i grew up in the midwest where it snowed... a lot. but that was when i was a kid and snow was magic. i didn't have to drive, worry, and from what i can remember i was never cold. just happy to be in the snow. the quiet, beautiful snow.

here in atlanta we are lucky if we see snow once a year.

how about this granny smith apple green house? never again will i scoff at the idea of a green house.

fairy tale like...

ripon, north yorkshire (for my dad)...

the snow doesn't look like any of these pictures, btw. and it probably never will. nope. it looks like this:

yeah. taken about 10 minutes ago from my porch. you can't see the flakes but they're there. i promise.

all other images via we heart it