california style house in.....california

i know california style is pretty broad and i am usually not a fan of a lot of it if only for the fact that it is its own "look". and it only seems to work in california. BUT, there is an elegant simplicity to it that i really really do like.
sorry these pics are so small...they aren't on the design firms website. m design. so go there if u want to see the bigness...

that is a bookshelf in the background with a makeshift bar on that.

a little closer...loving the terrariums on the table..

i would have such a hard time keeping these shelves so inner hamish bowels would have to emerge and take over..

the shelves back there are papered..


and i am never mad at the martinique/beverly hills hotel wallpaper...
really these bullshit tiny pics don't do any of it justice...check out the website for more more more fabulous house tours...