how can you not love a place with 6.6780980.10vabillion dollars worth of rug company rugs all over every floor surface therein? you can't. that's how. christopher and suzanne sharp's (aka mr. and mrs. rug company) london home is featured in the march issue of vogue (U.S.) and when i saw it i nearly fell out. i also exploded with rage and bitter jealousy. i love the simple, shabby english country style mixed with modern elements like rugs, and lucite and art and funky chairs. it's my fave look (lately).. anyway...the photos are terribly small and that makes me want to punch hamish bowles in the face. so go here to see them big or go buy the vogue with tina fey on the cover.
bar cart photos coming later. promise. remember when in posts past i told you my house was darker than the underside of grandpa's saggy balls? well...the room the bar cart sits in is the darkest so i have to wait til around noon ish to get the pics.