(sads about the darkness- its dreary here today) but...
aren't they fabulous? i have susie quillin over at eyespy to thank for them, she was all "here...take em!" . for realz. woman is sitting on a treasure trove of craigslist scores from 2 white panton chairs to a fabulous driftwood floor lamp that would send your lady pole into multiples. anyway, these chairs....there are 2 of each!! TWO OF EACH!!!!!!! the fabric on the chippendale chairs was so grossballs that i took them off the minute i got them home. but remember this? it's going on those chippendales. i am taking them in this week to the upholsterer. the robin's egg isn't terrible but its not the best paint job. it's slopped on pretty thick so i'd like to strip them and start over at some point. but i am going to live with the blue for a while. since it's not awfulpants.
the top chairs are in need of some love as well, both upholstery wise and structurally. but i have no idea the direction i am going to go here yet. oh but i am excited!!
in other news...
susie and i (susie) worked on the new blog most of today and i can honestly say i am inloverobertpattinsonstyle with the way it looks. you all will be too. its very me and susie is very very good. i highly recommend her to you for your new blog look needs.
that said i am pretty sure between now and tomorrow there might be a magic spell over the internets when you try to read my (your favorite) blog. so please be patient and come back. you might have to re-do stuff which i really do hate for you but if you don't you will miss my foray into the super rich and famous. so come back and re-follow etc... i will hopefully have all the pertinent info you will need to make the transition gracefully and without much frustration.
myfavoriteandmybest.com (don't go there yet, it's not there...this is just to start the mental process on your part)
how's your weekend going? sors for you people immersed in snowfuckness.