check this out.
i spent the better part of 2 hours today (what does that mean? "the better part"??)
what? where am i?
i re-wrote the lonny post i started yesterday and thanks to you guys who subscribe to my rss feed i just copy/pasted from that into a new post window. gay love.
but then i tweaked it and added more pictures and doodles.
i even drew an awesome image of my thumb doing the "thumb's up" sign.
i was all excited to share and open the lonny discussion when i went to remove an image that i wasn't feelin' and accidentally hit "cancel" and bammmm!!
that shit was gone forever.
i emailed squarespace and said please for the love of sweet christ tell me i can get that shit back!!!
they were like..
you are indeed fucked.
i simply cannot do it again.
you understand.
i think we are all in agreement that lonny needs to give the bar carts, wallpapering every inch of a room, bookshelf shots and rehashing of previous issues in general a rest.
aren't we?
moving right on..
to this:
aka next project.
my fairy godmother of furniture, susie gave me this kingsize faux bamboo headboard all regency and shit.
it will be white.
ghetto pool is back: