my client wanted her kitchen eating area re-decorated.
new table, new chairs, new console, new rug..
nothing major, just zshushing.
however, the walls were to remain greige, and the goal was to work with the existing chandelier.
a rusty, iron chandelier with wooden beads.
the come to jesus meeting was for cozy, modern and glam.
most of you would agree that a rusty iron chandelier and greige walls don't equal cozy, modern, or glam.
so here's what i figured..
classic chandelier?
modern AND classic table.
then blur it all up with modern lines on classic chairs.
keep everything monochromatic for modern and cozy purposes..
add a sexy, gold metallic cowhide and you have a little cozy, a little modern and a little glam.
over to the console side of the situation..
i was really pushing for this:
in fact i was a little high on it..
super GLAM!
but the client talked me down a little..
saying that she felt it was a little too fancypants for her cozy kitchen nook..
could we see the console with different lamps?
i assured her that it was better to go full throttle and then pull back than the other way around..
(pulled that one out of my ass i did- but it's essentially true)
so i showed her this:
she loves it!
she wants to see maybe a parsons style conosle in place of the mirrored chevron buffet.
oh but i cried a little.
i want her to have this magic piece of furniture.
i said, but a parsons console will offer no storage!
she said she truly didn't need storage, just a place to drop her keys and shit.
in comes the black, lacquered grasscloth console:
and ultimately her favorite.
everyone wins!
here's a look at all the elements together:
and that's how you work shit out.
peace out billy bob!