well if it isn't monday...



that is my fireplace.

it doesn't work.

yesterday i moved all that wood out to the wood pit in the back yard bc i am done with wood. 

primarily bc it's not cute wood and the hole is really shallow so logs stick out awkwardly.

now i need to shove something else into it's hole.



i have gathered some images for inspiration and i want you to either choose from them or remind of something else that's even more awesome...

copper piss pot?

hmm..this ain't 1604.


shell and bust?

i like it.

but big shells are pricey.

anyone got a secret source for shells?



fake hydrangeas?

 fake flowers go against all fibers of my design being.

but i think it works here bc of all the darkness and quirky that's going on.

i would totally shove a few of those small funky lamps in there though.






(actually if i had 3 sheep i would absolutely shove them in there)



red coral and some cool andirons?




spray paint some logs a bright color and andirons? 

what color?



lot's o shells?

they look awesome against the black.

but would they work against my puke pink tiles?



small screen?







big ass geode?

who's got one bc these things are DDDDUUUMMB expensive?



here's what i DON'T want..


don't say it don't you FUCKIN say it!




i don't like books on the floor bc all the spiders in the land go there and make homes.



get crackin!



before you ask:

that painting is by michelle armas, the wall color is ralph lauren forde abbey, the bench is oly found on craigslist, the lamp is cb2 and the shelves were made by my carpenter (my dad).




can't wait to hear your thoughts..