well now you can have some affordable parsons chairs to call your own...
right now MiNTY has these beauties for just $250 for the pair!
you: shutyourface!!!
me: no really!!
why so low?
well they will need some new upholstery.
but relax...
i got that all picked out for you....
take your pick!
painterly black and white swirls? $18 a yard.
graphic and worldly pink and orange? $18 a yard.
purple ikat? $18 a yard.
awesome chairs.
or if you don't want to bother yourself with upholstery
there is ONE parsons chair available at MiNTY that honestly needs nothing but a new home..
handsome parsons chair- $350
here's an idea...
sort of obsessed with that paint color.
who's with me?
thanks donkeys.