so many things. prepare yourselves.


skin secrets!

actually not so secret as i grabbed it off of pinterest.

so if you follow me you already pinned it and perhaps you tried it.

but if not...that's ok.

because i have been doing it once a week for 2 weeks (ok, twice) and i think my skin's texture and tone have improved.

so as your guinnea pig for life..

i highly recommend this treatment..

take 3 tablespoons of baking soda and mix it with 1-ish tablespoons of water (you want paste).

spread it on your fiznace and massage for a minute.

splash your fiznace with water and massage more.

at this time you will feel like microdermabrasion-esque "beads" are sloughing away all the wine and chocolate you consumed last night.

i think you can safely do this 3 times a week.

depending on your skin.

mine is oily and sensitive.




my butt.


i work out all the time.

but before you get all FUCK YOU! on me...

know that my workouts rarely include cardio and/or anything too strenuous.

i do tracy anderson 2x's a week and the rest of the time i do yoga (the yoga i do is basically like sleeping) and pilates.

and some days i watch real housewives instead.


so when a reader and i were discussing things she mentioned that she was a personal trainer and used to have a flat butt but now it's a bubble donkey.

many of you know my quest for a bubble donkey runs deep.

my butt is small.

so small you can barely see it.

i need to donkify it.


i don't want a phaedra donkey.

i want this donkey:


so she said she would send me her secret to a donkey so long as i posted about it.

so i said, deal!


this is apparently how i will acheive the donkey.

i am going to start this program in june and all of you lucky bastards will get to watch as my pancake becomes a bundt cake.





#3 best design blogging mom of all time!

that's me!

huge side eye to yes spaces for all those votes.

i guess there is no stopping the craft movement.


third place is still awesome.

so thank you for voting for me.




lavender velvet desk chair:

for my office/bedroom.




fiona's room.

it is pretty much done.

except her bench/stool still needs reupholstering, but the hot pink faux ostrich (so good)

is here and i will get her done once i return from new york.

i am waiting on her (cream linen with lavender ball fringe) curtains but her existing roman shades are good enough for now.

and i'm STILL on the hunt for a duvet that works with her headboard fabric.

there aren't many out there that i can afford.

i have sent 2 back bc they clashed horrendously.


so anyway it is almost there!! 


 i thought i would AT LEAST give you a crappy dark photo of her glossy olive green ginormous desk!




it's all so much better in good light and non-suckass photography.


when i return next week i aim to deliver the goods regarding this room.



and now...



 your day (maybe even your life) is complete!