monsters and zombies

guys, i am alive today but just barely.

i fell asleep at about 4:30 and woke up at 7:50.

that is some bullshit right there.

no sleep is the worst feeling in the world.

like punch all the babies in the world in their soft delicious smelling stomachs worst.

like kick all the kittens and puppies of the world down a well and listen to their screams worst.

the anxiety compounds the existing anxiety of why you couldn't sleep in the first place with more anxiety..

so it's anxiety squared.


so..i am a totes zombie today with the black eyes and stink of no sleep.

trying not to heave this coffee all over my keyboard..


it's only fitting that i present you with more monsters in the monsters art series circa summer 2012 .


all pieces are on heavy weight, linen finish paper.

18 x 24

acrylic, oil and gouache.



new in town






monsters in earrings




toasting marshmallows




holla if you're interested.



have an awesome weekend everyone.