and just like a magical rainbow of love...monday is back.
thanks to the 37 or so-ish of you for your encouragement and high fives the other day.
it really is super fucking hard being a parent.
like samwise carrying a near death frodo up the base of mount doom- hard.
i think i am doing a pretty good job some of the time.
but mostly i beat myself up and lose lots of sleep....
so BIGTIME thanks, to the 6 or so-ish of you who made me feel worse about what i already feel really shitty about.
way to go gollums!
here's the thing that i think many of you missed..
the fact that i didn't throw my daughter down a flight of stairs (which would have been doubly hard since we don't have stairs. so i would have had to drive her to a place with stairs) was a miracle in and of itself.
so i did WIN in that department. bc last i checked murder was illegal.
she eventually did what i asked her to.
yes, it took forever but it was the FIRST time i kept my cool and didn't drag her to her room by her hair.
since then it hasn't taken nearly as long to get her to do what i ask.
parenting is always a learning curve. you learn what works and you stick to it.
you learn what doesn't and you throw it away.
since the post i have looked into magic 123..
i am always up for something new.
i like helpful tips.
i also like it when my daughter respects me.
that is my goal.
this is finally available:
ikea PS sconce.
stores only.