saying nice things is nice and makes me feel good inside but
mainly i just needed to know there were still people out there reading.
and THANK YOU for telling me the things you like and don't like and would like to see more of.
granted there are still about 4,000 of you who didn't comment and i would still love to hear from you but to those 100 or so who did i am really really grateful.
i want you all to know this from my mouth..
i blog better when i know you're there.
here's what i gathered from your comments:
the majority of you don't comment because you feel like you don't have anything groundbreaking to say.
ok, i get that.
because i am a blog reader too and i don't comment unless i have something to add to the conversation as well.
so let's make a deal then..
maybe comment every other time or so with a "high 5 mfamb" or "hey mfamb, i like weiner.ok then.bye."
this helps us both.
it helps me to know you're there and it keeps you accustomed to commenting on blogs in whatever way you want.
because i am so guilty of just not commenting and that one time no comment turns into every time no comment.
because you're essentially getting away with it and that's how one becomes a lurker.
don't become a lurker.
become a friend.
ok..another thing..
more people than i thought are into the AHS recaps than are not.
well, at least from the ones who commented that's what i am picking up.
so yes, i will still do them because the more outweigh the less.
sorry the rest of you.
they aren't forever and then downton will pick back up and then everyone is happy.
i might throw a few impersonations into the AHS recaps to compensate for the lack of maggie smith impersonations.
oh sweet jesus what did i just say outloud?!
as for other blog content feedback..
first of all i get that many of you are here for different reasons.
and i would be foolish to write this blog to please people..i get that and i have no intention of doing that.
but i think i can gather from all the comments one through line..
and that is that you all are here for me regardless of the content.
and that reminded me that we've actually had this conversation before and the same outcome was had..
whatever i write about as long as i am being my same ol' weird dumb self you all are happy.
that said...
A LOT of you just want to see pictures of my house.
i can assure you there is nothing to see here.
but there will be.
it's just that my decorating is solely dependent on me doing all of it.
my husband hangs lighting fixtures but the painting is all me.
and there is a lot to paint.
and there is still the matter of furniture to be had and we need a lot of it in order for me to show you pictures.
and i can only afford once piece at a time.
the plan is set the funds are not.
so this is why a lot of my posts are planning stage type posts and why a lot of you feel like things never get finished or there is no follow through.
because i am on a super tight budget and super busy with work and family stuff and budget.
oh..and budget.
but i promise to show you when it's done.
and in the mean time if i get a corner photograph-ready i will show you.
for example, mike is hanging a new light in the dining room this weekend and before this come to jesus i would have just ignored it as blog content because so much more needs to happen in this room for it to be good.
but now i will show you!!!
it's a spectacular blingy sort of chandelier.
but no judging, i still need to paint the room and hang blinds and i need a new table. and chairs.
i KNOW!! i'm the worst !!!!
other stuff..
let's see..
outfit posts.
i am trying to be more awesome in the real world outfit-wise.
so it's a part of the new, more awesome me.
let's all get on board with being more pretty and polished and sexay!
as for everything else..
on my end i will pick up the pace a little.
i think i need to just get back to blogging from my gut.
OH! and more craigslist posts.
i love those. yes!
also this post is getting real real long and the caffeine is kicking in and i can't sit still much longer.
but i promise i am reading these comments and re-reading them and it helps SO MUCH.
so to reiterate..
thank you!
thank you for commenting and letting me know you're alive.
and comment once in a while if you don't comment on the reg.
and if you do comment on the reg, don't get into lurker status.
blogging is reciprocal.
you comment, i blog.
comment on blogs!! it's a nice thing to do and you become part of the process.
and as for yesterday's title reference...
commenter tanis for the win!!!
as for chloe..i just think she is fucking way cool and weird.
chloe would play me in the movie version of mfamb.
by the power of greyskull...I AM POWERRRRR!!!!