i am so hungover.
i forgot what a hangover feels like because i'm a mom now and i don't party and i don't go over my granny limit of 2 glasses of wine.
we went to a wine dinner at the st. regis last night and had all the wine.
and some food, to pair with the wine but the wine was my favorite.
and i drank every single glass they put in my face.
pretty much this...
and this..
but before i became one of marge simpson's sisters i was in total control of my body and face..
there was shimmer.
and velvet.
and a certain kind of kim richards realness.
m.a. handles his 47 glasses of wine with adorableness.
the night was so fun and the wine really is outstanding.
our friend of nearly 20 years makes it in napa and you should go there and drink some.
now, while i go wash the volcanic ash off my tongue please watch this..
mike anderson and his business partner put together a video for to be on the amazing race.
watch it and tell him what you think..