what's this magic your eyes are beholding?!
just a new and simpler blog design.
you like?
i have the extraordinary susie quillin to thank for it.
if you want a blog re-design or a blog new design because you are finally wanting to join the ranks of this here stupidity, i could not recommend susie more.
she is adorable, a joy to work with, smart, talented, she has a sick sense of style and flawless taste.
really and truly.
visit her website now.
peruse it.
she offers many services, including an a la carte menu where you can pick and choose exactly what you want.
there's even a design dictionary for those of you (me) who have no idea what a widget is.
it really is a very user friendly site and pretty to boot.
this time change business is messing with me long time.
i have been waking up at either 5:00 AM or sleeping past the alarm.
stop it, TIME!
and this...
i will wear the fart out of some knee socks in the cold months.
yes to wearing them with high heeled clogs.
no to wearing them with birkenstocks and shorts.
(i'm learning.)
this outfit looks super comfy and cozy and totally stylish.
love it all.. and the hair is perfect.
sadly though the whole outfit would cost a little over $1000.
minus the socks.
but i did find this dress for slightly less.
but only slightly.
they, unfortunately, aren't cheap either. but less than our inspiration shoes.
but don't be sad my fashionista friends...
bonus points for the dead cat.
this outfit comes in at $455.
which is a lot yes, but comparatively...no.
you could totally find cheaper socks at target.
but i am a sucker for nice socks.
so there you have it.
a new blog look, a new outfit and it's only tuesday!
p.s. that dress is totally going to hide your halloween candy bloat.