blog tips and some new paintings.

hello everyone. 

some things.. 


a few of you have reached out (some not so nicely) about this new blog business.. 

i get that some of you like the old look..

what with the painting up top and all. 

comparatively this is less fussy.

but that's what i wanted. 

just simple. 

but we listened anyway over here at MFAMB and if you look to the right you'll see a mini art slideshow. 

yay for technology. 

and yay for susie, again, for making it all happen. 



the font, say some of you, is too small for your grandma eyes. 

well, we were right on top of that rose...

it is now about .55579% larger. 



some of you are also telling me that the pictures aren't loading or are just loading too slowly.

 squarespace did a little cache zapping that may have helped. 

also, susie tells me that when you look at a webpage multiple times , your browser will cache the images so, on consecutive views, it will load faster. 

this means the more visits you make the faster this shit will get.  

or you could just click the title of the blog post you wish to read and there will be fewer images to contend with. 


god help you with the AHS recaps. 


speaking of which.. 

that nugget of stupidity will be ready tomorrow.  


in the meantime here are some paintings up for grabs... 

buenos aires SOLD

24 x 36 canvas

red hat

18 x 24 paper

 dusk SOLD

36 x 48 canvas



18 x 24 paper.  

star swinging

16 x 16 wood panel

seating arrangement

22 x 30 paper

side by side forever

22 x 30 paper


available here

more soon.   

thanks for looking.  

thanks for your feedback. 


see you tomorrow for AHS. 


