personal indulgences

all i want for christmas is this stuff right here..

this krups coffee maker.

it's shiny and neutral.

would look great in any kitchen.

and if you saw the coffee maker situation i am currently living with you would probably cry a little it's so sad.

think college dorm room circa 1985. 


sweat pants?!  you ask.

not just "sweat pants" 

ALL the sweat pants.

as in i will take 5 pair of those.

and 5 pair of these.

and 1 pair of these and these

 and 100 pair of these

bring on the sweat pants. 

sweat pants are winter's denim cut-offs.

i hate all other forms of pant.


the 5.5 qt le creuset round dutch oven in flame.

i have the smaller one in marseille

and i love it. 

it is totally non stick at all times and you can cook everything in it..

eggs to brisket.

i just need a bigger one BECAUSE I DO! 



you lie if you say you don't want them.

and if you STILL say you don't want them that is because you've never had them on your feet. 

i completely wore my last pair out. 

i had them for about 10 years.

they saw the grand canyon and disney world and everywhere in between.

my only ugg rule is that they not be any other color than the one above.

classic ugg. 

like clooney if he were a clown. 


i have been wanting a high dollar, supreme camera for a long time.

just look at my blog images and you'll agree. 

many of you probably think i am the shittiest photographer on the internet.

i think i just haven't given it much focus (nailed it).

i believe i could be a great photographer if i had a decent camera and a better understanding of the basics. 


that's it. 

not too crazy of a list right?


what's on your list?
