let me just go ahead and tell you that i got kicked in the left kidney by a horse and that horse is called upward facing dog.
either that or i am in acute kidney failure.
yesterday, mid-day i started feeling said pain and thought...eh..just some soreness from yesterday's yoga but it just kept getting worse.
i can't even take a deep breath ya'll.
what do i do?
heating pad does nothing.
no position is comfortable and if i sneeze i think it would kill me.
advil helped minimally.
is this a chiro job?
a massage job?
help me...it hurts.
here's a diagram to show you internet "doctors" what i am dealing with...
i have painting to do and this is putting a damper on that SUPERFUN job.
besides lower left side pain i am feeling the brain pain of having to make a decision about something hard.
painting out the trim in my living room.
the fact of the matter is this..
i have the most awesome trim in my house.
but i think i need to paint it out in this room for the modern look i am going for.
in fact, i KNOW this is the right choice.
but i am no less terrified.
how stupid is it to be terrified of paint?
look how good it is painted out..
it helps to keep the space modern.
which is exactly what i want to do.
i think the reason i am so scare is there is soooo much of it in the room.
i need to grow a pair.
like this guy..
also i'm dying.
help me.
****ok, so i went to urgent care bc thanks to you i thought i might have a kidney infection.
my pee says there is no infection.
just a muscle spasm.
but it feels like dying.
so now it's just me, some high quality heroin muscle relaxers, 800 mg motrin, moist heat and some soup (and cookies).