so last night i put a different kind of mask on my face.
it was 100% clear.
and it was this:
in a post last week i shared that a reader had suggested we all use this on our grills during a long flight and then take it off when we landed revealing glowy baby skin.
so i bought it.
it came in the mail yesterday and i tried it last night..
the results are kind of awesome, right?
that is a glow akin to someone eating a raw vegan diet.
and my 7 days a week nutella on toast/wine habit only proves that this stuff works.
plus it smells like straight up rose heaven.
you won't regret it.
speaking of regret.
you may have noticed that i pulled all posts surrounding paulagate cum mfambgate. (haha you said cum)
there was just too much out there being written about me that simply wasn't true.
i am still getting hate mail on the hour and if you could sit in my shoes for one minute you'd see that i made the right choice to pull it, rather than continue to defend my point.
even if i know the things being said are juvenile and incorrect it's not fun being on the receiving end of such negativity and poison.
my readers who know me know where i come from and who i am.
and that is all that matters to me.
the rest can go scratch. (to quote the most graceful, eloquent housewife of all time- teresa guidice)
if anyone out there wants to email me and talk about anything constructively i encourage them to do so.
but i am done talking about it on the blog.
i promise.
and i will be deleting any comments that are hurtful in any way.
in other news-
i am WAY more famous now than i was last thursday.
i think i blew up squarespace for a minute.