not a kitchen...
but probably part of one.
and i can't stop staring at it.
all those matte black soup turines.
and the row of tagine lids (?) just below..
who is this person and why won't they share those things with me?
that basket of candles is charming my pants off.
i leave for england tomorrow night.
i'm mostly ready to go.
as ready as you can be when you are a crazy perfectionist with anxiety issues.
but i'm trying to remember this is supposed to be fun and not stressful even when it's TOTALLY STRESSFUL.
(taking suggestions on how to actually achieve that)
so i have a question for my english readers or those in the know about such things..
we will be in harrogate...a spa town in north yorkshire.
there are a few grocery store/supermarkets available to us and i wanted to know the best one(s) to get things that are organic/gluten free + coconut milk + agave nectar and the like..
i realize the UK is not in the stone ages and that more than likely that stuff is available somewhere.
but even here in the US there are only a handful of stores that carry such things.
here are the stores i have to choose from:
marks and spencer
tell me what you know my hookers.
k.o.t.d via my kitchen pinterest