oh hey.
just popping in because i figured i needed to prove that the internet meme that i was dead wasn't true.
the real truth is is that it's really boring around here.
elsewhere too, right?
the world of blogging seems to either be a giant moodboard of rewardstyle links or a stinky pile of who cares.
i fall somewhere in the middle i think.
since the world of blogging seems to be a reciprocal mish mash of dick sucking and money making and boring i am not so inspired to write shit down.
you get what you give and you give what you get?
that said, i am all about my new bialetti.
it's maybe the best coffee device ever invented.
it's the perfect amount too.
i have been using this coffee because, when in rome right?
in update news..
B12 has most certainly left the building.
after the first initial surge of energy i kinda just felt....the same.
i exercise so that gives me energy.
maybe if i was a lazy, fat fuck it might be more noticeable.
i will say though that for about 5 days there, i experienced extremely deep sleep at night.
but then, it seemed to have dissipated and i was back to my normal light sleep habits.
would i do it again?
yes. absolutely.
but only before something important or a vacation.
ok then.
here's a baby bunny sleeping.