friday stuffs

seems like friday is the best day for gathering together all the accumulated shit i have to share.

1. instagram of the day- ros byam shaw.

every photo is dreamy. 


2. the summer bed.

according to tricia rose, founder of rough linen, you should never use a fitted sheet for your bed and you should sleep on linen. 

i don't know about all that. to each their own, but i DO know that quality linen lasts a lifetime and gets softer and softer and softer. 

i also know that it gets sick-hot in georgia may-sept. and i need more than a sheet but less than a blanket. 

so...i'm considering switching over to her bottom sheet and summer cover

anyone out there have anything to say about it?

these things aren't cheap (at least not for me) but i think i know a good investment when i see one. 

loads of great reviews on the site, but i need my people over here to set it straight. 


3. these shews.

i bought these shews a while back and i LOVE them. they are so comfy. after a week's worth of wear the leather is so soft and it's like wearing a slipper. 

i bought them in vintage canvas (above) and in retrospect that was probably not the smartest choice because they are literally the same color as my naked foot. so unless you have brown feet or tanned feet steer clear of this color. that said, i love them anyway.

they are currently on sale for under $50.


4. this hair stuffs.

i got this as a sample and loved it. 

increased moisture, shine and softness for real. 

cheapest here



4. little irises.

5 x 7 pastel on heavy textured black paper with 1/2" border.

 i see the black and white ones in vintage gilt frames. 


5 x 7 pastel on heavy textured white paper with 1/2" border.

i see these in thin modern wood frames, black or white. 

there is such a graphic nature to these irises. they pop on a wall. either in a grouping with other art or alone. 

only $35. 



that's about all there is fit to print. 

have a fantastic weekend everyone.