first of all it is entirely possible i've posted this kitchen before.
i know i've gazed upon it's fresh summer whiteness before, loving the shit out of it and therefore it stands to reason that it has been featured on a kitchen of the day post.
it just seemed to fit my ever changing dream kitchen model the most right now.
open, WHITE AF, lighting to inspire, mirrors, galley, table involvement...
i love the wood floors for sure but i could really get behind some fancy tiles in there too.
the whole home is featured here.
and remodelista did a steal this look recently here.
it is of course designed by one of my all time favorites- rose uniacke. who's work you can tingle over here.
other news:
i haven't noticed a great deal of anything with the retin-a...other than i seem to be a tad shinier (which is dangerous ground bc i am already pretty shiny), a few cracked red spots under my nose (horrible looking) and the corner of my mouth (also not cute). i was expecting to peel like panama city beach circa 1994. is the best yet to come? am i doing exactly what some of you said not to do....being impatient?
also- obsessed with broad city. sometimes it takes me a while to commit to the show everyone talks about. i think it's because i fear i will be the one who hates it the most.
this time the audience is right. i can't stop.
you can binge watch on hulu.
hope you all had a great easter. you'll all be very disappointed in me...
i have had ZERO candy. ZERO!
happy monday.
go get shit!