atlanta is currently facing a TREACHEROUS SNOWSTORM (3 inches).
and i'd really rather be here.
but...not one to wish away life i will embrace it and put on my snow boots, get out in it and build a janky snowman with fiona.
are you detoxing booze? i was but then said fuck that.
if you still are but want a little something to sip on that isn't water this sounds grown up.
speaking of not detoxing....i can't stop making these brownies (or eating them). i tried to gift them to a friend but she was like, bitch...i'm on weight watchers! and then i was like...what kind of asshole gives brownies to a friend in the new year!??! i am no friend! so as punishment now i'm stuck with them. send help.
i can't stop listening to her.
these are my favorite underwear of all time.
these are on my wish list. a really good looking, well priced loafer.
i am painting my bedroom this color and it's perfection. i think it could work in so many different types of rooms. it reads different in all sorts of light, sometimes pink, sometimes lavender, sometimes gray, sometimes white. it's a winner.
and finally...
i want to (don't want to) see this so badly.