today is the last day of school for fiona.
which means my life is officially over.
so here's another perfect beach house to dream about..
it looks friendly and fun.
via AD Espana
we are beach bound mid-june,
which means i will probably take a stab at the 3-day anti-bloat reset.
i read this the other day and related SO hard i was nearly in tears. (srsly. this should be mandatory reading for every human on earth who is or plans on being married with kids.)
i want to eat the ass out of this. but mostly i want to try my hand at that fancy frosting flair up top. looks like chocolate brass knuckles.
this cover up in every color for the beach.
this hat too. like those expensive ones only much much less.
the rms signature set - pop collection is perfect for summer. a little milk chocolate bronzer here, a little living luminizer there....and a poppy red (or rosy pink) cheek to lip.
here's to a gorgeous holiday weekend and a drama free summer!
enjoy yourself a lady cocktail or 4.