kitchen of the day (with caveats)

you might remember this kitchen from my post several days ago featuring the home of the people behind house of hackney.

i didn't realize the kitchen was by devol kitchens. my absolute favorite kitchen people. 

you can see all their kitchen work here

something about this kitchen feels almost dated, maybe it's the color palette? (i'm a child of the 80's and so i am naturally supposed to have an aversion to dark green and dark wood.) but there are all the details that keep it fresh. the floors, the smeg, the wallpaper, the soft furnishings, the lighting.

i might be the minority here but i'm not really a houseplant person. i don't know...they always look fake to me. and i loathe skylights. for many reasons but mainly because they are impossible to clean. or maybe just mine are. there's a dead bee sandwiched between the glass on one of my skylights in the bathroom. i have no idea how it got there and it's been there for over 2 years. and it will stay there until it turns to dust which, in case you were wondering is at least over 2 years. also: spiderwebs, spider droppings and really fucking dirty glass. 

here's the thing...the majority of people who are lucky enough to renovate a kitchen are choosing the same thing- white upper cabinets, brass, a wall of raw wood open shelving, usually a contrasting dark island (possibly black, possibly navy, possibly gray, sometimes green, maybe dark wood) and white and gray marble countertops if they can swing it and if they can't they'll go for something that looks exactly like it.

ok, i say majority but the reality is most people can't afford to renovate their kitchens and are living with whatever was there before them and/or don't give a shit.

point is...i LIKE that this kitchen is a bit polarizing. you're either going to love it (maybe with a few personal tweaks) or hate it (burn it to the ground but save the stove).

unlike the ubiquitous white/brass/wood/subway-with-dark grout kitchens that i think will feel dated sooner than later this one is quirky and personal and i think that will carry it farther. 

your thoughts? 


but like seriously though i think i'd just move the plants to the porch and be 100% fucking satisfied with everything else. ok maybe, 95% satisfied. skylights *shudder*.