guess what?
the current spring issue of domino is good.
yes, there is still the issue of too few images (too short home tours with too many thumbnail sized images) and far too many ads and random shit. why did we need SIX FULL PAGES of food? plus another 4 from a bon appetit food director? i mean no disrespect to her but unless you are showing me her cool apartment i don’t care. if i want recipes i’ll go directly to bon appetit. and i am an avid cook and LOVE trying new recipes. but srsly. no one buying this magazine is buying it for the recipes. NO ONE. and there is still another 5 pages dedicated to entertaining with still more pictures of food. good grief.
the issue is called the color issue and it’s in every single feature and it’s done really well. from the fonts to the graphics to the homes themselves. i love the moodboards with products, the wallpaper picks from various tastemakers and the homes! i really liked something about all of them. my favorite of the bunch though was brett heyman’s new york apartment. it’s FULL of color. i was searching for images to post about and came across a vogue article from 5 years ago featuring her then apartment. imo it’s soooo much better now. i thought it would be fun to do a little comparison.
here she is in her current apartment. love all the traditional elements mixed with vintage and modern.
i have been really into color blocking lately. it feels fresh and new.
here is this same room before:
i think we can all agree it’s super better now.
this room now is wow:
(sorry for the crappy image. i took it with my phone of my actual issue. i couldn’t find it online.)
that purple is just so YES. it really rockets those warhols into the stratosphere right? and paired with those yellow-gold velvet chairs and the black resin and malachite table, the pierre frey fabric on the sofa. just wow.
here’s the same room before…
same purple and warhols. different everything else. again, just so much more delicious now.
my favorite redo though is the dining room.
here it is now:
yass. yasss yes yes.
here it is then:
um. i have never ever been into turquoise and black as a combo and i’ll just leave it at that.
the new dining room is so much more my thing. the dark walls, the newly painted chandelier in a bright red, the friendly and approachable art wall, the warm wood chairs and that rug. you know i love a nichols rug. i spy the blue column floor lamps from the living room.
you can see a bit more of the new version here.
and lot’s more of the old version here.