you wanna talk?

i don’t know. maybe you want to scream? i do. i want to. tho most days what i really want is to crawl inside a very cozy hole and sleep for the duration of this episode of black mirror.

everyone is talking about finishing projects. starting projects. group facetimes. zoom dinners and virtual cocktail parties. (those last two are my idea of hell.)

ALL i want to do is lay in my bed and stare at the ceiling. the trouble is i am very apt to grab my phone and stare at it instead. that’s not a good idea either.

why do so many people feel the need to be prophets of doom?

you know who you are. stop. stop sharing those stories.

it takes me hours to fall asleep at night. i’m just so uneasy all the time.

and when i wake up in the morning (usually at the crack of dawn despite not falling asleep til past midnight) it takes me a minute before i think, “oh yeahhhh….we’re still fucked!”

how are you doing?