captain's log

monday (i think) april 100th.

who even knows? who even cares? what’s happening? i’m weird. sort of like an over-fed cow, just standing in a field (kitchen) staring into nothing, slowly moving her jaw as if chewing (definitely chewing).

i am speaking for the whole collective crew, i know. i haven’t been blogging much and it makes me sad. it just feels weird to blog about trivial things like pants and sandals. i read other blogs and see them chugging away at content and i am both ashamed of them and jealous. something about capitalizing on our current situation just feels…wrong. do we really need work from home outfit ideas? i’m wearing what you’re wearing…grease stained sweats and maybe a bra maybe not. i mean, if you want that sort of thing i can surely provide. hark for real- i know where all the great sweatpants are it’s just that i can’t afford to shop right now. essentials only, ya know? also what’s with all the “get dressed up anyway” posts? yeah i have a few springy tops i’d like to wear and i’d LOVE a pedicure and to wear my open-toe-iest shoes instead of just socks at all times but i’d rather get in my bed and scroll through instagram than like, wear a fucking dress around my house “just cuz!”. that wouldn’t spark joy, it would just make me nervous that i would drop banana bread crumbs, spill coffee, smear brownies, wipe truffle laced potato chip grease or whatever else i am throwing into my gob every 20 minutes all over it. also it would make me SAD. could any expression you embody during these times be more of a punctuation on your isolation?!? you have literally become cinderella. “back to mopping bitch”- the ‘rona.

no thanks, i’ll stay in my cheap, target sweats thankyouverymuch and stare out the window.

anyway…here are some things that are making me moderately happy:

  1. working in the yard. it’s hard work. it’s YARD WORK (sing that). but very rewarding. i planted vegetables in the garden- rattlesnake pole beans, rosella tomatoes, brandywine tomatoes, lemon squash, sweet passion melon, dill and basil. i also planted flowers- bee balm, gomphrena, jet black hollyhock, amazing grey poppy, pepperbox poppy and polar bear zinnia. all seeds mind you so…¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also GRASS!

  2. making face and body scrubs. firstly, in a pinch adding baking soda to your cleanser is an excellent and gentle exfoliator. but, if you want something that’s going to really give you a glow-up mix 2 tsp. ground almonds, 2 tsp. oat flakes, 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar, 2 drops lavender, basil , frankincense or tea tree essential oil. (lavender is calming, basil is brightening and purifying, frankincense is excellent for fine lines and tea tree is antiseptic.) side note- you absolutely don’t need to use any essential oil. i apply this to damp skin over the sink. i don’t use it in the shower bc i find it clogs my shower. instead i do it in the morning over the sink and scoop the leftover into the trash.

    for a body scrub- 1/2 cup of sea salt (i use pink), 1 cup of light brown sugar (i find white sugar leaves a weird residue), 2 tbsp of carrier oil (coconut is easy but i love jojoba), 1 tbsp raw honey, fave essential oil (20 or so drops. i like rosemary, lavender, lemon, peppermint…whatever mood strikes me). scrub up!

3. king arthur flour gluten free brownie mix- ummmm…how have i been sleeping on these? if you are sleeping on them consider yourself woke. these are fucking delicious. all you need is the mix, 2 eggs and a stick of butter or vegetable oil (USE BUTTER. and brown it instead of just melt it), and optional add-ins like chips. i have added chips and not added chips. delicious either way. i also dot the top with maldon sea salt as soon as they come out of the oven. but you could use koher or any sea salt you have. just maybe the lightest sprinkling.

4. rhony and rhobh. they’re back and i couldn’t be more grateful. we are still putting lu in the basement and i’m here for it. it’s such a metaphor for life right now.
