a little of this and none of that- a home tour

a sprawling somerset english country home? what’s not to love? a decent amount actually. pearl lowe’s kitchen is the stuff of my dreams. i have pinned every iteration that comes down the internet pipeline. and i love some granny chic, and house of hackney, but a little goes a long way.

so far so good.

there she is. such a great mix of old and new. if memory serves her kitchen was done by devol. a company that can do no wrong in my book.

will be happy to see these types of art walls disappear forever. and word art even longer.

this room is cozy. i like.

at first you’re like whoa but then you’re like yes (i’ll bet it’s excellent at night).

not sure i’d have chosen chevron or the bronze tub. but i’d still get down in a bath here.



are so very….



i’ll take those rugs tho.

i would stay here. happily.


the whole shebangle is here.