holiday bowls


i’m 2 glasses o wine in on a tuesday at 4:30. i’ve had me booster (zero side effects apart from a mildly sore arm), i’ve contemplated several hallmark christmas movies but wasted time is my least favorite. i am however fully caught up on succession and can confidently say there is no greater show on television. i don’t have a tree yet but instagram is telling me that i am behind. and for that it can suck a dick. HOW DARE YOU? in my mind it’s still october. although trader hoe’s did have some suspiciously low priced garland for sale that tempted me but i went for the chocolate brioche instead. it’s great toasted with butter. i have nothing in my fridge but eggs and parm (it could be worse) and i’m craving a burger.

anyway….i made some bowls and they are spectacularly festive….also they are on sale.

i sure hope all is well in your world. xx