a sort of stream of consciousness

there’s a meme (do we still call them that?) going around about how we are communicating after covid.

basically it’s that we forgot how to communicate. like we’ve been raised by wolves.

this post is full steam ahead awkward. not apologizing for it. it is what it is.


i think this is pretty cool. it’s a poster. you hang it on your wall.

i haven’t had the decorating itch in a long time….i still don’t. but that’s because we have to move in july. we have no idea where. we have no idea about anything really. everything is changing and i don’t feel the same. cool poster though eh?


if i had even ONE curl i’d march into a salon holding this image in my hand. then i’d buy a bunch of new earrings.


i bought this. i look like an off duty soccer player at all times.


you know in the wee hours when you’re half awake half asleep and you have ideas?

since i can’t have rugs because cats be cats. i thought i could buy cool towels and just put rug pads under them. you- it would just look like a towel on the floor. me- shut up! some ideas are better than others.


all i want for summer are these shoes. i can’t have them bc they are sold out in my size. i’ve emailed and have been denied access to them bc they “have no plans on bringing this color back” and i want to cry. CRY.

that’s all i got.

i’d love to know who is even reading this blog anymore. drop a comment will ya? doesn’t have to be long. you can just say “here” like when you were in school. or “present” if you were one of those assholes.