monday updates and inspiration


 if you follow me on twitter or instagram or facebook you have already seen this picture..

but it's so terriblawesome it bears repeating..



it's the 7th circle of hell here in atlanta reaching a record high

of 107 degrees over the weekend.

i walked outside and grilled wings with my bare hands and simultaneously melted my face off on saturday.

and yesterday i sliced my footskin off on the (literal) blades of grass that is my lawn.

summer has never been more awesome!


there is good news though...

my toe is much better.

distilled vinegar soaked cotton balls and gauze proved to work miracles.

so it's healing which means itching.

oh the itching.

thank you internet friends.



ok now back to house stuff..


we are meeting this week with the people one meets with when buying a house.


and all i can think about is white rooms vs dark rooms.

you know...the important stuff.


here are more images to confuse us all...


who cares what color your walls are when you have a pink beni..

























i need decidement.


i give you full permission to incorporate that into your vocabulary.





so lame and stuff

a coupla things..

i have been feeling a bit of a disconnect with my blog and my readers lately.

and dear lord other bloggers as well..

i used to go through that whole list over there and read each and every blog, every day.

now i am lucky if i get to read 3. 

sorry bloggers, if you feel i have been neglecting you, you are right.

i will try to be better.


(lame person but also slightly awesome)


and a lot of my readers leave comments and ask me questions and i never answer them bc i just don't seem to have the time.

i hate myself for that.


(lame woman child)

i have a L O N G list of emails that have gone unanswered.

i have a dirty house too.

for those of you who know me well, you must think that is preposterous.

trust me it isn't.


(so much of this is lame)


i'll bet when gwyneth gets overwhelmed by gardening, cooking, cleaning, tracy anderson methoding, mothering, singing, acting, dancing, chris martin beej's, and travelling she has people to help her out.  


don't get me wrong, i am happier and more satisfied with myself than i have been in a long time.

it feels good to bring a bit of money to the table for a job that i love doing.

i love helping people make their houses prettier. 

i love reaching out and (hopefully) making people laugh with this blog.

i love the prospect of writing a book.


i don't love feeling like everything is out of balance.

i stare at those french doors, one of them painted over like a WWII bomb shelter,  every day and think...holy shit i need to finish those...when am i going to have time to finish those!?!?!

there is laundry at the bottom of the laundry basket that has shit growing on it bc it's been at the bottom for so long.

my kid watches too much tv bc my face is jammed into the computer's butt crack.



the point is i am super busy, yo!

busier than ever.

busy busy busy.

busy phillips...


(lame lesbian)


and i am trying to find balance.

i don't want to give anything up.

i want to make it all work.

 none of this is HARD, so to speak..i mean i don't feel like i can't do any of it.

it's the balance i seek.


i am sure in time i will find a rythym. 

this is all so new to me.


how do you all do it?

what are the tricks you have learned?

help me to remain cool and awesome.

and not become douchey.


what's up..


a very lucky client will be receiving a lilac ceiling and yellow curtains

to say the least...



also there are porches on the brain:


those 4 in particular.



still on the brain from yesterday..

that hair cut..


1. super fast to style

2. look like an adorable elfin princess


1. major maintenance

2. potential for looking like someone who should be wearing "mom jeans"


NOT on the brain:

my doors.

steam has been lost and the thought of going in there and actually completeing them makes me wanna eat throwup.


that is all.


good times

i never did acid.

preeetty sure i don't need it.

but i do think boring "normal" people should have a prescription. 

this is utterly fascinating.


from yahoo news...


Ever watch an episode of "Leave It to Beaver" and think, "I wonder what June Cleaver would be like on LSD"? Have we got a treat for you!

No, we don't have footage of the Beaver's mom (aka Barbara Billingsley) tripping out at Timothy Leary's house. But in the course of researching a biography on writer Aldous Huxley, author Don Lattin did stumble across footage of an LSD experiment involving a 1950s wife. According to Lattin, the clip was made for a 1956 television show on mental health issues.

The video, almost nine minutes long, shows Dr. Sidney Cohen dosing a volunteer at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Los Angeles. The volunteer said in the clip that her husband -- an employee of the hospital -- told her that Cohen was "looking for normal people" for the experiment, so she came forward. After saying that she was "a little nervous," the unnamed woman drinks a glass of water with LSD mixed into it. Soon thereafter, she's riding on the magic cloud often rhapsodized about in song by musicians of the '60s and '70s.

"Everything is in color and I can feel the air. I can see it, I can see all the molecules," she says. "I'm part of it. Can't you see it?" Dr. Cohen asks, "How do you feel inside?" She replies, "Inside? I don't have any inside."

