gayle probably doesn't like cussing but oprah does for sure.

i know in my last post i mentioned the oprah show audition and a few of you left some awesome "letters" to oprah telling her of my general awesomeness and that i should have my own show.

thanks for that and keep em coming.

they are all going in my worlds greatest audition tape scenario pitch package 2010.

but i want to be perfectly clear like danielle staub.

you do not have to leave a comment in letter form.

i just want your ideas. 

for those of you going,

"what in the high water in hades is she talking about?!?!"

oprah is giving away free shows on her new network.

and many of you have told me either on this blog or in person or in personal emails that you think i should have my own show.

duh. i couldn't agree more.

so now i want you to tell me what kind of show you think i should have?

what kinds of things do you want to see me do?

rock a gorgeous room with only craigslist finds?

do a tracy anderson video for you?

interview cool and interesting people in the world of design chris farley style?

like the novogratz's???

cook delicious meals with gwyneth?

or do a gwyneth impersonation while crashing the goop headquarters?

go to cool hotels around the gliznobe and be all, "holy shit y'all this is the dumbness?"

i could act all glamorous at the greenbriar while i tour it's  draper-y goodness.

and i could swank it up at the parker (fart lighting to oprah's discretion).

what if i interviewed axel vervoordt?

more like...what if i stalked axel vervoordt at his belgian castle and was all..

"hey, what do you think about restoration hardware cramping your style?"

get it?

keep that shit C O M I N G!!!!


if oprah tells me to FO or if she gives the show to the wheelchair guy who wants to travel the world and show people that being in a wheelchair doesn't mean you can't travel...that's ok.

there are other networks.

point is..

lets get this shit going!!


elle decor UK scanathon- plus oprah stuff


who just pooped over those floors?

points of interest:

shiny black as tar tiles

20000ft long sofa

white white white



working on an oprah audition tape so we can all become famous.

you have all told me to so i'm gonna.

but you have to help me.

first assigment is to leave a comment and pretend you are my manager and you are pitching my show to fucking oprah!!!
