a party

my husband is turning 40 in a couple of weeks and i want to throw a big backyard fete for him, with a band and everything!! granted it will be a friend's band but STILL....a band?!?! come on that's cool. i wish i could say however that i had a lot of money for this party and a great grassy flat yard with gorgeous landscaping, but i don't. no, i have about 500 bucks and lots of red clay, rocks and weeds. no matter though, i have gathered some photos for inspiration and with an ikea and a dollar store nearby i think i can make it happen!!
i love the tuxes with rubber boots and the whole fancy/humble feel to this. too hot in georgia for tuxes though. and i don't think any of our friends would be caught dead in tuxes with rubber boots. although in our backyard they might need them.

fancy silver in shitty cans!!! love it!
what a setting..
so anyway..i am thinking lots of tables with mixmatched tablecloths, fairy lights in the trees and candle lanters, buckets of beer, belini's and BBQ....any other thoughts talented blogger friends?? send me photos if you have them!!
images via country living