i like to look at that. don't you?
i go a little rainman when i look at stuff like this.
nobody's house actually looks like that and if yours does you better prove it.
(pretty sure that image is of a restaurant. the highchair and eleventy billion coffee cups are a dead giveaway)
i think i have to be super organized before the holidays or i will feel like a chicken running around with my head cut off.
a place for everything and everything in it's place.
i usually use this time of year to clean out the pantry and the fridge and just give everything a general cleaning.
my top 3 spots are:
my cabinets, inside and out.
a clean house makes me feel like i have more control over all the things.
and control IS EVERYTHING!
said the woman no one wants to be around.
i have been meaning to put shelf paper in our cabinets for, oh..i don't know, about 5 years?!
do you know about chic shelf paper?
most shelf paper is so boring.
like blake lively.
not boring:
i see this in a kitchen with black cabinets or dark blue with plenty of brass hardware.
i see this in any kitchen.
dark or light cabinetry.
modern or traditional.
works all the places.
classic black and white polka dots
i see this in an all white kitchen, modern, brass hardware, marble surfaces and a wood floor.
but it's classic so it works anywhere.
i see this softening up a spare, rustic kitchen.
have you shelf paper?
i just realized this sounds like a sponsored post.
it so isn't.
i was looking for pretty shelf paper the other day and happened upon chic shelf paper.
i liked what i saw and thought i'd share.
there are hundreds more shelf papers to choose from ovr there.
they also come in different finishes.
even fabric.
the bottom line here is i get REALLY excited thinking about putting shelf paper in my cabinets.
the end.
p.s. i have no memory of what samples i ordered.
but i can't WAIT til they arrive!