nancy (sorry mom, not you) you have saved the day methinks. easterfarts!!

nancy commented and said to do this..

i love you nancy.


"There are two ways that I know of to subscribe to a website using Google Reader. One is to copy the url of the blog's homepage--in your case, ; then, open the Google Reader page, click on "Add subscription" on the upper left of the page, and paste the blog url into the box that appears. The second way is to click on the "Subscribe in a reader" icon located on the blog's home page.

 I tried the first option to subscribe to your new blog location, and got the same undesirable result that other commenters describe. I unsubscribed to this feed, then tried the second option and it worked perfectly. Hope this helps!"


nancy here is an easter haiku for you:

jesus was cool

the easter bunny leaves treats

my favorite is the reesey egg word.


fix your feeds like nancy says bitches!!!!!