

hands down.



she is wearing the hell out of that dress.



runner up:


despite the fact that i mostly want to punch this girl in her face at all times..

she knocked that shit out of the park.

and it's only bc i do want to punch her in the throat at all times that she is in second place.



most improved:

i don't love the dress, in fact i am fairly certain i don't even like it.

and i HATE the prom dress earrings she chose..

but overall it's a major improvement.




 different yet oh so same..




christian bale as:


christian bale:


on the fence:

it's a boobie smasher.

but she is styled to perfection.



lesbian in sheep's clothing:

i am all for the lesbians looking like ladies but this is so not right.


and the worst of all worst..

jennifer love hewitt:

good lord look at that purse.

(**i am 100% aware that is wynona rider and not j.l.h.

 you need to look here to understand the joke i was trying to make)



and the dude i'd most want to do it with:


your thougts?