quite honestly i could sit around and do moodboards all day long.
it's like having no budgetary constraints and free reign across the internets.
so obviously i went shopping at jayson home and garden and 1st dibs.
but for my next trick i am going to do a room on a budget.
since, ya know...i'm on one.
once i get better at layering pictures and can find a free download of photoshop i honestly think i could rule moodboards in their faces.
people will actually hire me to take their money and make their rooms more pretty based on my moodboard skills.
if i could i would have added paint to the backgrounds and some kind of flooring option.
as they are now they are somewhat cold and stark.
i was really just fooling around with it, getting the hang of it.
here is a dream living room scenario 1:
scenario 2:
your guest room when you come stay at my house (if i had a guest room and a millionty dollars):
what do you think?
if you had some damn money would you hire me to decorate your house?
i am super confident i could.
also come back this weekend bc i am going to haunt the shit out of you..
with pictures and a story.