happy mothers day..

 thank you for birthing me..

i know how hard that shit was...

i also know you bled out your V for hours..

lots of blood that you had to go into the emergency room for and get it all stopped up or you would have died..

sorry about that.

i come with power and force. 

being a mom to a girl is hard.

i sometimes laugh at mom's who have boys.

it's different.

even the love is different.

it's hard to explain...

and i do know that raising boys has it's own share of difficulty and impossiblity..



the hardest.

fo sho.


so, sorry for being a pain in the ass.





and disrespectful.


you should know that i get it in return 10 fold.

(this is her nice face)


happy mother's day mom.

i sure do love you.

thanks for all that you have given and given up for me.


and to all my mommy readers out there- happy mother's day to you too.

i hope your kids are nice to you today,

bc that's really all we want at the end of the day.


fiona's room

 welcome to monday.


i call this 'the virgin suicides' meets english girl child. 



rug: ABC carpet and surprisingly affordable.

nightstand: cb2 with new pulls.

lamp: bungalow 5

custom headboard-

(if anyone knows this fabric please tell me- i am in love with it. it was the starting point for this whole thing)

olatz pillow sham with purple monogram.

(i will stick with affordable sheets and splurge on 2 pillowcases.)

fox pillow- one kings lane

(similar available at the well appointed house)

winged heart sconce- blackman cruz

peonies- christopher farr

chair and armoire- CL finds (in my dreams)



word to your turd.



 i have nothing but raw, heartfelt gratitude for all of you who spoke the motherfucking truth yesterday! 

preach it sisters!

every time i read a new comment i took a great big easy breath.

it helped me tremendously, so thank you.

and i hope in some way it helped you too.

sometimes it's easy to tell people what they should be doing and so often we just need to take our own advice.

since that time i have done a great deal of laundry, dusted a few window sills, vacuumed, touched up my roots and even found time to sit in the sun and flip through a stack of catalogs!!!  WHAAAAT!?!? 

OH!! i even took some notes for the book.

and in fact i woke up brimming with ideas!

so again, thank you. 


here is what i have for you today..


that place looks like it smells good.


this room:

i honestly can't stop thinking about it.


this lonny kitchen: 

i fucking love it!!

not a subway tile in sight.

i am well aware of this being a love it or hate it type of thing.

where do you fall?

i'll bet it's even better in person.



clean sheets:

on the list for today.



these chairs:

if you see them somewhere please tell me.



this bench:

is going to copy these chairs:




this little girl:


her first

soccer game

tomorrow (and a new umbrella).

and she is pretty.


dad has something to say about that part..

have a merry weekend!

thanks for being really awesome.



big love,

fresh air

yesterday i took a long walk through one of my favorite neighborhoods and this is what i saw:

a japanese magnolia tree.


some pink trees.

what are they? not dogwood. not cherry blossom.

what then?

(**redbud yes...thank you rachel)


some hellebores.



a fiona.


has spring come to you yet?


we are lucky in georgia that way.

you should send me some pics of spring in your area.

i'll post the shit out of it.


images brought to you by my new iphone