a little of this and none of that- a home tour

a sprawling somerset english country home? what’s not to love? a decent amount actually. pearl lowe’s kitchen is the stuff of my dreams. i have pinned every iteration that comes down the internet pipeline. and i love some granny chic, and house of hackney, but a little goes a long way.

so far so good.

there she is. such a great mix of old and new. if memory serves her kitchen was done by devol. a company that can do no wrong in my book.

will be happy to see these types of art walls disappear forever. and word art even longer.

this room is cozy. i like.

at first you’re like whoa but then you’re like yes (i’ll bet it’s excellent at night).

not sure i’d have chosen chevron or the bronze tub. but i’d still get down in a bath here.



are so very….



i’ll take those rugs tho.

i would stay here. happily.


the whole shebangle is here.

a long time coming

it’s time friends. a new bathroom is upon us. but before you get overly excited it’s important for you to read the following words-

we are still renters. we aren’t investing here. we are repairing. while i’d like to rip the whole motherfucker out and start over- think shorter ceiling height, setting fire to the skylights, and one sink only- we most likely can’t. in fact we will no doubt have to re-tile with the same, hideous pinkgray barf squares because not doing so would mean ripping out “perfectly fine” tile on the walls and floor.

BUT, we haven’t had anyone come in to fully assess the damage that years of leaking behind walls has done, sooo…maybe? we are in the process of getting quotes and i have offered up my tremendous knowledge of where to get pretty things for less and an overall excellent taste level (i said it) to help make this the prettiest and cheapest bathroom remodel ever. but, but, BUT as this is not my house i have to consider neutrality aka resale value.

here’s what we are dealing with…(apologies for my crude photoshop arrows)

1 day after we moved into this house 10 years ago a tree fell on it and came right through where that atrocious patch job is. men came to fix the damage and that’s how they patched it up. it’s been like that for about 9 years. it looks like the ceiling has levels, when in fact it’s just some kind of seam tape slowly coming unstuck.

as for the walls that don’t go all the way up, i have my theories- out of money or didn’t know how to take a wall all the way to the ceiling. whatever the reason, i hate it. but beyond that the job they did is shoddy at best. i’m not entirely sure why the ceilings are SO FUCKING HIGH in here. also, i dare you to find one single person on this planet who hates skylights more than me. they are molding on the inside because no one can open them for me to clean. there is always condensation. spiders live in the corners. and there’s a 6 year old dead bumblebee up there, just stuck between the screen and bee heaven.

the door to the right is my closet. it’s like an urban outfitters dressing room, and outhouse, trump’s bunker. on top of the closet is unfinished, just this gross, dusty bug cemetery. it’s also 400 degrees up there in the summer. that arrow to the left is pointing to a ledge. just a ledge. a mystery ledge. i have no idea what’s up there. probably a lot of the same shit that’s on top of the closet. plus more spiders.

ugh. the weird wall stall. the toilet is in there with a door that closes but we can still here peepeepoopoo sounds.

pretty self explanatory. the shower door is probably the cheapest one there is. the tracking on the bottom is loose with water damage to the tiles underneath. and the floor tiles as you step out of the shower are completely cracked.

the toilet room. cat toilet too (made sense). the shower leaks into this area as well. so lots of loose tiles and cracking. honestly i’m hoping we can tear down this whole area.


the whole sink situation is just weird. i get it, they wanted 2 sinks. but whhhyyyyy are they different? and see, this is the tile that we will probably have to match bc there’s nothing wrong with it. other than it’s ugly.

here’s what i’m seeing -

i do not like dark grout. but i do like the idea of no shower door.

ahhhhh. tile all the way up and no. shower. door. also these hex tiles are cheap and good looking. just throw a few black ones in there for interest.

tiling the ceiling seems hard. no shower door.

same bathroom as above. love those sconces too. let’s be honest, zellige tiles- while majestic as fuck are probably not very user friendly. and with the humidity down here the uneven edges are just hundreds of mold petri dishes. i’d maybe skip zellige in a shower.

could be down with tiny white squares. and way down with hidden litter box.

i have professed my love for these pale pink tiles before. i just love this shower.

ok. hit me with your best.